

Here are some of the nice notes and emails I have received over the years. If anyone else would like to share how this website has helped you, please include your name (at least first name and last initial), where you are from, the ages of your children, how long you've homeschooled, and specific information showing how the information on this website helped you. Have a great school year! Cindy Downes

“The Checklist has helped us maintain a Charlotte Mason style homeschool on our terms...It's the single most blessed document I've ever purchased next to my driver's license and my staging certificate.” A Cooper

Hi Cindy,

I am writing to thank-you for all of the information you put on the Oklahoma homeschool website! For over 3 years I have been meaning to send an email to say "Thanks so much"! In fact, I printed out some info from the website to keep, just so I wouldn't forget what website helped me so much.

A little over 3 years ago I found myself in a situation where I had to pull my eighth grade son out of school. It was a terrible situation. Shortly after we left, many others in the school did the same (employees and students).

Anyway, I took him out of the school to homeschool him for the remainder of the year. I didn't know where to begin, so I prayed...and then I "Googled" homeschool topics. The Lord blessed me tremendously by leading me to your website. I literally don't know what I would have done without it! Within 24 hours we began our homeschool adventure. We made it through 8th grade with no problems, in fact, my son excelled in his schoolwork--thanks to all of the information on your website. He did begin a private school in 9th grade and has been doing very well. But if I had known what a benefit homeschooling was when my three children were younger, I would have homeschooled them all right from the start.

I'm sure your website has helped countless numbers of homeschooling parents, but I wanted to just take a minute to share how you helped me. When I say that your website was a God-send that night over three years ago, I'm not exaggerating. I remember thinking to myself, "Who took the time to put all of this detailed information on a website? I have to find out to thank them!" So again....thank you, thank you, thank you!!! :)

Many blessings to you and your family!

Wendy Toplak

Cindy, I just wanted to thank you for posting the information about government unit study ideas. It helped me focus my brain on the subject, and led me to a great resource ("Our Living Constitution") which I was able to find on eBay for $13. All of your time and documentation was such a blessing to me! In Christ,
Lisa Van Aken

Hello! I was googling tonight for unit studies that are written out for you, since I spend way too much time trying to plan my own. Well, I came across the treasure trove of your website with not only excellent information concerning homeschooling, but also free unit studies. I want to thank you greatly for allowing others to use the info. you’ve put together and not charging for it. What a gift as we try to cut costs in this economy. May God richly bless you for blessing others. Thank you again so much!

Michele Watson (Norfolk, Virginia)

"Hi Cindy, my name is Celena and I just wanted to say thank you! I absolutely love your website as well as your professional website. I am a homeschooling mother of two, ages 9 and 11. This is our first year homeschooling. My biggest concern was teaching both my children at their different levels and learning techniques. I think this first year has been all about what works for us and what helps each girl learn best for them. Your home school website has been a life saver! Literally! If I cant find something or I feel stuck about something I go thru what you have and then it seems like I should have known that, of course! I truly appreciate the time and effort you gave to your website and also for allowing those of us who cannot afford the expensive materials to use what you have.

Celena Jones (Meridian, Idaho)

I contacted you a few years ago when I purchased the Checklist from you. I think I was your first International client. Your site has always helped me a great deal and I often refer people to it and will be referring to it again in a little book I'm writing for South African homeschool families too. It's one of the top sites I refer new HS'ers to! Please know we value all you do for homeschooling in the US and please know that your work extends to other

Lindy Greaves (South Africa)

I just wanted to say thank you for your free unit studies. I just found your site and fell in love with the resources and ideas. Again, Thank You.

Nicole Barker (homeschooling mom of 3)

I just have to tell you how much your website is helping me in trying to get started homeschooling my son. He'll be 12 soon, and a 6th grader. I've always thought of myself as a learner, never a teacher, but your site is such an incredibly in-depth, detailed, amazing resource, that I'm beginning to feel like I might actually pull this off. You are rendering a priceless service, and let me tell you, this mom is beyond grateful. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that you are truly making the world a better place. Blessings and peace to you.

Jean Winkelman (Guthrie, OK)

Your website and blog are very helpful. What wonderful resources you have pulled together. Thank you for your time and effort and to give it away for free. I will be saving my pennies for your Checklist! I was just rereading Valerie Bendt's book, Unit Studies Made Easy, and there were your easy unit studies when I did a Google search.

Christy Herbert (Michigan)

I wanted to take a second to say THANK YOU for your website! I don't live in Oklahoma (we live in Hawaii), but found your site when I googled "home school schedules". It was very helpful! Your site is beautiful and well thought out! I wish all organizations were put together so professionally and were so chalk full of help! Kindest Regards IN HIM with Aloha!,

Karla Breeden (Hawaii)

I just wanted to take a few minutes to thank you for all your work encouraging others, and myself, that are still homeschooling. I live in Illinois and enjoy reading your newsletters each month and I have gotten your Checklist and use it regularly with my two boys. We enjoy unit studies and your web site has been invaluable to us. You have provided me with a freedom to follow my children’s interests in schooling and a checklist to keep us on track. Once again THANK YOU.

Sharon Flachsbart (Champaign, Illinois)

This fall I started doing a Geology Unit Study for a group of 14 children. I have been trying to pull things together using videos and Lyrical Science and recently I went to University of Cincinnati Resource Library to get videos and kits for our Geology Study. Well, today I was researching Geology test online and you have no idea the relief and thrill I had right when I found your website about your Geology Unit Study. Many of the experiments and books that you use in your study, I have used (just stumbling my way through)!!! The reason I am so relieved is because the test you have at the end of your study is a perfect test for my students. I am a busy homeschooling mom of 4 just trying to make science fun for my two little girls and their twelve friends and I can't thank you enough for putting your ideas on the web!!!

Debbie Kramb (Waynesville, Ohio)

I came across your website about a year ago, it is SO helpful and inspiring. I just recently downloaded your ebook of The Checklist. Its wonderful. I'm a homeschool mother to 6 Blessing and for years we have flip flopped around trying to find our direction in this homeschool journey. Thanks so much for the work you have done and the inspiration that you have given to many people. I recently shared your site with several of my homeschool friends and they are benefiting greatly from your advice as well. Your book, The Checklist is going to be a very helpful resource to my family.

Jennifer Grant (Texas)

Wow, I just found your site be searching for a blank lesson form for my daughter. Your site looks great and so informative. I look forward to perusing the whole thing. Oh, and thanks for the homeschool forms.

Kristi Conine (Texas)

I just had to write you and let you know that I love all the hard work you have put into your website and blog! I pulled my daughter out of 5th grade mid year last year because of a number of reasons, but the one that broke the camels back was that her teacher made fun of her because she still didn't know her times tables!

Anyway, after almost a year I still seem to be really struggling with how best to teacher her everything that she needs to know.... A fellow blogger mentioned your site to me and I found it soooo useful : ) I really love your unit studies - We are working on the President Unit now. I can't wait to save up and get your "Checklist Book" I feel it may help me get a handle on what she needs to know and not stress so much about it! Thanks again - You are the BEST!!!!!

Another later note from Donna: I just wanted to "Thank You" again for all the info. & work you put into your website and books!!!!!!! I started your suggested schedule today and "oh my" what a difference it made for Kelly and I! I just can't tell you how helpful your work is to homeschoolers, I'm still digesting "The Checklist." It sure covers everything. Keep up the great work!!!! I just love all the books & textbooks ideas you suggest - They are really helpful.

Donna Davis (Florida)

Just a short note to say thank you for sharing this information on the Roman unit study I stumbled across. I've been stumbling through our Rome study not finding ANYTHING I wanted to use on the internet until I accidently came across the plethora of information you provided. It has just made my entire day!!! It's absolutely EXACTLY what I was looking for in one nice, perfect, little package!! THANKS AGAIN

Kris E (Boaz, Alabama)

Just to say how delighted I was to happen upon your site today. I'm a UK homeschooler and, although there are some support groups, they are nowhere near as extensive as those in the States. I've found it hardest to get good recommendations for books. I was thrilled to read your free unit studies and booklists. I had lots of the things already, so I can tell your recommendations will suit us! Thank you for making your many years of knowledge available to rookies like me!

Yours in Christ, Jess McClellan (Sevenoaks, UK)

I love your website! I am from California and will be starting my kids in 3rd grade homeschool this September. I found your website when I was searching for information on curriculums. Your website is awesome!! I purchased your book "The Checklist" and find your information very, very helpful! I liked your suggestions in the curriculum area about the "Math Reading," Math Shark (I purchased it) and Math software. I love your web site! Thank You!

Elizabeth Carnahan (California)

Thank you very much for the support and encouragement I needed in order to take the leap. I have greatly enjoyed schooling my daughter this past year. We have had our good days and bad days, but we have more good days than bad. It is definitely getting better each day. Between my husband and I, we have figured out which area each one of us works best at with her. It has been a lot of fun and I have also learned alot along the way. My son, who is 3, also enjoyed being included. He has to do schoolwork next to her, so we have been working with him on his abc's and counting. Thank you again for all your help and support.

Donna Thorn (Alabama)

I'm a homeschooling mom of eight children, and this is our 4th year of homeschooling. I simply wanted to drop you a line to tell you how much I enjoy and appreciate your site. It has been a great resource for my homeschooling needs. I think it's one of the best homeschooling sites on the internet. Thank you for the time and dedication you have put and are putting into keeping this site online. God bless you.

Mrs. Neawana Garrett (Bridgeport, Texas)

I just found your website courtesy of the TOS Homeschool Minute. All I can say is WOW! I printed out your curriculum planner worksheets, so far. But, I can’t WAIT to really dive into all of the information you have here. I’m coming to the close of my 1st year of homeschooling, but in no way do I feel like I’m a veteran! :D In fact, this is certainly one “profession” where I will be constantly learning, I’m sure! I’m really looking forward to reading your suggestions for Auditory and Kinesthetic learners, as my oldest son definitely falls into these categories. Anyway, I just had to send you a note of praise and thanks for all the work, research, and organization that you have clearly done. May God continue to bless you!

In Christ, Robin Axelberd (Georgia)

I just wanted to write and say “thank you” for your wonderfully informative website. I am going to start homeschooling my 4 children (ages 2-10) this coming year and I have really tried to get as much information as I can before beginning. I have tried to determine each of my children’s learning styles, scoured the internet for curriculum suggestions, and talked to everyone I know about their experiences. I began looking for ideas about homeschool schedules and daily schedules and have found that so many people are not as organized as I would like to be. Obviously I know I need to be flexible and make allowances throughout the week, but I know that I will be a much more successful homeschool teacher/mother if I am organized and planned. Although I live in Washington State, I found your site extremely helpful and informative. It gave me the basic information for a layout and plan that I was looking for. Thank you for all your hard work and organization. This will get me well on the way to arrange, plan and organize my eclectic homeschool and has given me a deeper sense of security that I can be a successful homeschool mom. Thank you!

Christine (Everett, Washington)

I am in the throes of getting a vast mountain of paperwork together for my homeschooled 16 year old to start college courses this spring (at Ohio State, the "other OSU") and needed to make a transcript (I have good records, just not the "official looking" transcript which they want). Anyway, it took me about a minute with Google, less than that to discover you have precisely the info I needed, PLUS a sample, and about 10 minutes with Word to go from Transcriptless Panic Mode to having the final document ready to roll. So I had to say a big Thank You for that.

Moreover, I want to compliment you on your site in general: great looking, magnificently organized, well-written, and thorough. A fantastic resource for homeschoolers. Thanks!

Georgia Tobin (Ohio)

I had to write and tell you "THANK YOU!" for sharing how to make it through this time of year! My kids are so excited at this time of year, Thanksgiving and then Christmas, they can hardly concentrate...and truthfully - me either! But now I know a way to get through it! :-)

We've been homeschooling for three or four years and I still struggle with so much pressure to perform, and make them cover everything I think they should. I don't want our homeschooling journey to be marred by the negative. Thank you for this tip, just reading it has helped relieve the pressure I feel, so I know they will sense it too! Thank you for sharing.

Kim~, (Flint, Michigan)

Your website is beautiful! I am currently helping a homeschool mom a bit. Your website is wonderful, and I will have to pass on this great resource to her. What a blessing that you are such a creative, resourceful, and generous Titus 2 lady and grandmother. God bless you and prosper your ministry!

Lesa Powsey at http://www.ingrace.net

Those of us on this side of the Red River are glad to hear you're not leaving. You have been such an encouragement and blessing to so many here! You really blessed me at my first convention in 2002. We had just started HSing. I stopped at your booth and we started talking in the last few minutes of the convention. You sent home a wonderful bunch of resources for us to use. Thank you for all you do!

A grateful HS mom in SW OK.

My name is Jenny and I am a mother of 3 — a son who is currently attending public school in the 2nd grade, a daughter who will be 4 in June, and another daughter who will be 2 in March. We are members of the Church of Christ. Over the past 2 years I have noticed some real changes in my son through public school. Although I love his school, and his teachers, I have seen several things I don't like, as a parent who is supposed to be training my children in the Lord. We had thought about homeschooling when our son started Kindergarten, but I thought it was going to be to hard for me. We have several people in our church who homeschool; and, over the last few months, I have learned so much. My husband and I have really talked about it a lot lately, and decided to discuss it with my mother, who I trust and love very much. She began to do searches on the internet for us, and came across your site. She called us and told us about it. (We did not have a computer at the time.) We talked about more and more, and continued to look at your site. This is the best site we have found yet, and wanted to let you know that we appreciate all the work and time you have put into this. After searching your site, my husband and I prayed about this, and the next day my son's school sent out a letter on homeschooling, and a few days later my mother bought us a computer, and said good luck. I feel the Lord has spoken to us, and we know we have lots of support, and this site. Thank you again. Please pray for us.

Jenny (mother of 3), Shawnee

I'm so glad to get your info on the dinosaur unit as my son has been wanting to study this topic and I've been dreading it because of the humanistic views on it. Thank you.

You have been such a tremendous resource to me. I look forward to you newsletters and check your website regularly. Have a blessed day and thank you again for all that you do for us!

Rachel O, (McAlester, Oklahoma)

Hello, I have been in the US for about a year now, I am from England - my husband is in the US Air Force and we are now stationed in Mississippi. I have twin 13 year old daughters who I removed from public school only a short time ago - due mainly to the complete lack of morals in the environment of the school and a lack of learning. My daughters were at the point where they hated school. They were well ahead in reading and writing and have a real talent in that department - however math is a real weak subject and unfortunately the DODDS school overseas was bad at teaching science and history as the teachers did not enjoy it (that is what they told us) - in all the years of school they only had 1st grade science. Until about 18 months ago I had never heard of homeschooling - how I wish I had always known about it as I would never have sent them to school. Anyway we are now at home - I got your checklist a while ago, and have been browsing your website tonight. It is such a great resource and a blessing to a newbie like me. I feel that with your checklist and website, I have someone beside me who has been there and done that. Thanks for the work you have put into your product and the website. It has been hard enough to adjust to life outside of England for both the girls and me so any help we find for the school is heaven sent. God bless you and thanks again."

Linda L. (homeschooling twins, Mississippi/England)

Blogger of the Week by SpunkyHomeSchool on Homeschool Blogger: http://spunkyhomeschool.blogspot.com/2005/07/16-mistakes-moms-make.html

Thank you for your terrific website. I've spent hours here printing out forms and reading and re-reading many others, and your very informative articles. I feel like, after five years of homeschooling and doing a very mediocre job, now I know how to do it well and in such a way that my children will respect and respond to the inherent structure our program will have this year!
I truly thank God that you are "encouraging the younger women," as Scripture instructs.

Thank you, thank you again for your time and for sharing your considerable wisdom and knowledge. You have helped this homeschooler tremendously!

Robin (homeschool mom of 6 years, New York)

I received The Checklist and just want to say thank you so much for creating this checklist and making it available to other families. We are just starting out. Our children are 6 and 4. This is going to help me so much. We are using the living books style of homeschooling and the checklist fits so well with it. I belong to a couple of homeschool groups in Edmond, and I'll be sure to spread the word about your Checklist! Thanks again!

Jermaine (homeschooling two ages 6 & 4, Edmond, Oklahoma)

I stumbled on your website when I was researching information on Ancient Rome for our Homeschool group's Ancient History Co-Op.  I found your unit study on this topic extremely useful!  While I was on your site I also looked into "The Checklist" and purchased it.  I was so impressed I took it to show some of the mom's in our group.  It sounds like a few might order it!  We are really impressed with how thorough it is and love that it is Biblically based.  I just want to thank you for all your hard work and making this available to homeschoolers.  I have been homeschooling my two girls for five years now (since kindergarten) using primarily unit studies for social studies, language arts, and science.  I'm looking forward to having such a useful resource at my fingertips! Sincerely,

Pamela H (Bayside Homeschool Network in Granite Bay, California)

Of six children, I am currently homeschooling three. With them all being different types of learners, each with their own unique qualities, this book (The Checklist) is a blessing to me. I can already feel that next year will be wonderful! Thank you so much for creating this wonderful resource for our children, and to help with the sanity of homeschool moms everywhere!

By the way, thought you might like to know, I found you through a website about unit studies..provided links to your free units. Those impress me as well, and we will definitely be using them.

Stephanie (Gonic, New Hampshire)

I just wanted to send a quick note of thanks. This wonderful "Checklist" is just the ticket I needed to get on the right track to proper homeschooling. I am so happy and can't thank you enough for all the time and effort you put into this project. Take Care,

Jacqui (North Carolina)

As a native Okie temporarily transplanted (East Coast, NC) for a few years, it does my heart good to see your site being from Okla. I will most assuredly visit your pages in the coming months and when we finally move back to Oklahoma (Praise the Lord-Oh happy day!) I will find the Oklahoma state guidelines on your site most helpful to continue homeschooling. I've been homeschooling for 7 years with at least 12 more to come. The NC and OK guidelines are very similar it seems to me, which will make it very easy! I have browsed many sites and have found yours one of the most informed and helpful ones so far. Take care, God bless and keep up the awesome work!  I KNOW you are a tremendous blessing to the Oklahoma homeschoolers and the out-of-state homeschoolers as well!!! God Bless You,

Tammy S. (homeschool mom of 7 years, North Carolina)

I just wanted to drop u a line to tell you that I think your website is OUTTA SITE!!!!!  Although I homeschool in New York I think your scheduling suggestions will be of use to me in scheduling my day and units...I found you on google doing a search on scheduling homeschool day..  I love your site...I will be back!!!!  Thanks for sharing all of these suggestions and information!!

Deidra (homeschool mom of 3, New York)

I often quote your words of wisdom to Moms feeling incompetent when their kids start high school. "High school for a Mom is the easiest time because that's when the kids are more independent and self motivated." I am still amazed at the amount of people who quit homeschooling with only 4 more years left to go.

High school for us has been very successful, Joshua is a senior this year and will graduate from Abeka Academy. He has done their DVD program for the last four years, as has Nina (10th grade) and Christian (7th). Joshua scored in the 10th percentile on his ACT and will receive a full scholarship from Nichols State where he will major in Culinary Arts through the John Folse Institute. He and Christian are also in a band and play for in our praise and worship band at church. Their band won the St. Tammany Fair Battle of the Bands. Check out their website at: www.charonscoin.com

Nina and I are involved in our church's deaf ministry team. We interpret the praise and worship as well as the sermons. She has competed nationally in sign language song interpretation through the Assemblies of God ministries, as well as competed in Human Video competitions (Drama to music). She has also had many photos and short stories posted on the web. There is a Homeschool site that posts writing, photos, poems, short stories and more. Check it out on apricotpie.com.

This has been the most rewarding time of my life. Our long, 11 year experiment is paying off. All because I took your word for it. I knew you had done it and I knew I could too. Now, my words of wisdom to other mothers, which were first given to me by you, are, "High School is the easiest time. Don't stop now. You're almost home free."

Thanks so much, Cindy, for doing what you do.

Toby S. (Homeschooling 3 teens. Mandeville, Louisiana)

We recently took a field trip to Kripsy Kreme Donuts. The kids all had a great time. Also the Oklahoma City Philharmonic offers free youth concerts in March and April each year. Their website usually has all the info you need to sign up. Our kids really enjoy that also. Thanks for this great website!!

Christy (A homeschooled mom who now homeschools her own 3 children and one on the way! Oklahoma)

Just an update on the year so far. We are having a great time!  Justine has adapted to doing her math on her own.  Of course, she is only doing review stuff now, but I anticipate that she will do fine as new material is introduced.  Also, Corinne is really enjoying her new found freedom and gets going early so that she is done early. 

We are all doing Greenleaf Press Old Testament History and very much enjoying it.  We are making a genealogy of Adam's family and looking up the meaning of the names of his descendants in the Concordance.  This has been fun, meanwhile Callie is working on a book of the 7 days of creation and enjoying that while we do our research.  Much fun! 

Corinne likes her Apologia Science book and readily takes correction and advice on how to better write out her ideas in her science notebook.  We are getting  more accomplished in less time than ever! 

Justine, Callie and I are reading about electricity and doing the experiments in Electro wiz and are really liking it.  Callie even made a bookmark today and put stickers around the rim of it and told me "it's just like electricity, because they go in a loop". Awesome! 
Thank God that teaching is fun again!  I'm glad He put you into my life.

Aleta M. (Homeschools 2 girls. Sandsprings, Oklahoma)

Just checked out your website! It's terrific!!!! The resources in the President's unit study are fabulous!!! THANKS SO MUCH!!

Amy in Florida

I’m so impressed with your site.  You have done an awesome job.  It is so professional looking and extremely informative.  I was looking for information on high school transcripts and found exactly the kind of information I was looking for.  Thanks.
We are home schooling in Belgium and pastoring a church of U.S. Military and NATO members. We have been home schooling for 12 years now. We have six children ages 17, 15, 14, 13, 10 and 9 years old. Our oldest son has just taken his SAT and scored 720 on the math and 720 on the verbal.  How’s that from a bonafide unschooler?  He is applying to the U.S. Air force Academy for the fall of 2005. 
Thanks again and God bless you richly, Lisa

Warren and Lisa G. (6 children ages 9 - 17, homeschooled 12 years, St. Denis, Belgium)
Directors/Pastors, SHAPE Christian Servicemen's Center

I really enjoyed the seminar! The testings were the biggest help for me. They helped me determine my teaching style which will help me be the best teacher I can possibly be for my children. It was like coming out of the forest to finally see the individual trees. It gave me understanding and clarity about the fact that we all have different learning and communication (teaching) styles. It helped me to identify my own and my childrens' learning style and learn about curriculum that embraced each style. Thanks for the seminar. I could easily use another one.

Bethany W. (Tulsa, OK)

I just had to drop you a note to let you know how awesome your site is and what "perfect timing" -- of course, it is truly a GOD THING. I'm looking at Apologia Science Elementary level (I have two girls, K & 2nd grades -- at least age wise anyway) and in searching thru the Apologia site I found your site. I will be purchasing The Checklist -- I've been "thinking" about how I need to keep my records (I'm in KY and we have pretty good HS laws) since I don't keep grades yet and this is an answer to prayer!! I currently use Sonlight (mostly) and am looking forward to this next year knowing that I'll have THE CHECKLIST to help me keep track of my daughters' progess. Thank you!!

Bless you in your ministry to those of us who have so many "things" to look thru to find what works for our family.

Denise S. (K & 2nd grade girls, Kentucky)

We are from Norman and have been homeschooling for 3 years. I just downloaded your Oklahoma History Unit study and am excited to tackle it this summer. I will pass on your website to my homeschool friends at church. Keep up the good work!

Carolyn H (Homeschooled for 3 years, Norman, Oklahoma)

I just wanted to thank you for all the wonderful information on this site! I am searching for something to help me teach my Auditory Learner. I have found more information on your site than anywhere else. I am Michelle N from Vicksburg Mississippi. I have taught my 10 year old twins (Landon and Lauren) for three years now. Lauren is really benefiting from anything that I put in front of her, however Landon and I are struggling with everything we try! So, I am searching for new curriculum options for next year. So, thank you for all your hard work on this site. It has been sooooo helpful to me so far!

Michelle N. (10 year old twins, homeschooled for 3 years, Vicksburg, Mississippi)

I would love to receive your newsletter. Your website is AWESOME. Thanks for all your hard work and we really appreciate all the help you have given us at CTC.

Mary Ann P. (Homeschooled 7 years, Children ages 16, 12, & 10, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma)

Thank you so much for devising this Physical Science unit study plan that we can use with our younger children!! I have been researching what to do with my rising 9th grader and found your unit study plan this morning. It will be much more fun to do Physical Science together as a family. Thank you for sharing this with us!!

Molly N. (children ages 6, 10, & 14; homeschooled for 10 years, North Carolina)

I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your Oklahoma History Unit.  It is wonderful!  I'm really proud of you!  If you ever decide to do an Arkansas History Unit, I want to be first in line. I've bookmarked your site & will begin referring people.  It really blesses my heart to know you're out there doing this amazing work.  Thank you so much!

Brenda D (Vinita, Oklahoma)




Copyright © 2004 - Oklahoma Homeschool