About and Contact Info


We are Luke and Shandra Pinion. Now that we've inherited Oklahoma Homeschool from Cindy Downes, we are in the process of making changes to this website and the Oklahoma Homeschool Facebook page. We are excited to see how we can improve and add to all the wonderful information and resources that Cindy has provided over the years.

A little about us...

We grew up in Oklahoma and were both homeschooled 1st through 12th grade. Now the tables have turned and we are in the thick of homeschooling our own kids!

We want learning to be fun and take a very practical approach on teaching. We care about the character of our children as much as their formal education and keep that in the forefront of our minds with each and every decision. We feel it's important to raise competent, responsible adults, and that starts with the decisions we are making here and now. Decisions like homeschooling our kids, choosing to be a single income family in a two income society, and being heavily involved in our church/community are all things that we have decided will help shape our children into the people that we hope they one day will be.

We are happy to be involved in the homeschool community here in Oklahoma and hope to provide support and love for all of you out there, reminding you that you're most definitely not alone!

Due to the large scale of emails we receive every day regarding co-ops, sports teams, and testing we are unable to curate and direct all inquiries in a timely manner. To help with this problem, we have created a Facebook Group for parents and home educators to interact directly. We highly encourage you to join this community of fellow homeschoolers!

To connect with us, please send us an email at: contact@oklahomahomeschool.com

You can also keep up with us on Facebook and Instagram.

Good luck and remember that you are not alone!

Luke and Shandra Pinion



Copyright © 2004 - Oklahoma Homeschool