Creation through the Flood


This unit is ©Copyright 2004 by Cindy Downes. All rights reserved. Permission is given to homeschooling parents to use these units free of charge in their own homeschool only. These units may not be reprinted in any other form, for any other purpose (commercial or otherwise) without permission from Cindy Downes. Contact her at

Please Note: This unit introduces the concept of evolution. I highly recommend that you teach your children about evolutionary theory. If you learn to discern the facts about evolution and even have a laugh over the reasoning of evolutionists, your children will too. If you fear it, your children will eventually wonder what you are "hiding" and be more open to its fallacies. Take a lesson from Job and do not fear the subject, but meet it head on and teach your children to, too. (Job 3:25, "For the thing which I greatly fear comes upon me…")

For your information: All scientists who are believers in Christ believe that God created the world and that evolutionary theory is false; however, some of these scientists believe that God created the world in a literal 7-days, others believe that each day of creation was a 1,000 years, and others believe in a "gap" theory in which God created the world one day and then thousands and thousands of years later created man. In the resource section below, I have tried to provide information on which creation time-theory a work is based upon. This unit is based on The Checklist.

Index and Recommended Lesson Plan:


This unit has been designed to be completed in three weeks, covering two, 1 - 3 hour lessons per week. This is a very short introduction to the subject. For a more detailed study, customize the unit to the length you desire by choosing how much material you cover and how long you take to cover it. More than enough materials is suggested so that you can pick and choose what will work for your family.

A history based unit should include a timeline study of the major historical events, a biographical examination of the major people living in these civilizations, an investigation into the major discoveries or accomplishments of each civilization, an understanding of specific terminology, and map and culture studies of the various civilizations and their modern counterparts. Follow up with a review lesson and quizzes, if desired. Read over General Directions for Cindy's Unit Studies for more information. For additional help in this area, The Checklist includes a list of major events, major people, discoveries/accomplishments, terms, culture studies, and much more.

Unit Project Suggestion:

Create a notebook for each unit. Include a timeline, map studies, biographical sketches, dictionary of terms, copies of worksheets and composition projects, and photos of crafts or other hands-on projects. At the end of each year, select a representative sample and place in your child's portfolio.

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Recommended Resources:

30 Days to Understanding the Bible by Max E. Anders. ISBN 0785214232. Used as a family resource, 4th+. Otherwise 7th+.

Considering God's Creation by Mortimer and Smith. This is a wonderful resource that can be used with a variety of unit studies. If you use it with a unit study, you won't need the teacher's manual. Complete the workbook pages appropriate for the unit you are studying and save the rest for later. ISBN 1931292027. Grades 2-6

History Pockets: Ancient Civilizations, Evan-Moor #3701. ISBN 1557999007. K-3rd.

I Want to Know About God, Jesus, and Prayer by Rick Osborne. This is one of my favorite Bible resources for kids. ISBN 0310702429. K-6.

Kidatlas: Important Places in the Bible and Where to Find Them by Ruth van der Maas. This is an excellent book and highly recommended for all ages. It is out of print but used copies are sometimes available on Amazon. ISBN 0310700590.

Noah's Ark and the Ararat Adventure by John D. Morris. 1996. Recommended read aloud for K-6. ISBN 0890511667.

Old Testament Take-Home Bible Stories (PreK-2) . Carson-Delosa #0498. 2003. Fun, easy-to-make booklets for PreK-2nd+.

Teaching Units, The Old Testament by Grace Publications. ISBN 0764700979. PreK-1+

Uncle Josh's Outline Map Book by George Wiggers. The best blank map resource available. ISBN 0970240309. 2000. All grades.

Free, printable Creation writing paper (pdf document) for elementary students. Use this for creative writing projects.

Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins. The adventures of Jonathan Park, son of paleontologist, Dr. Kendall Park, as he finds a hidden cave, discovers dinosaur bones that tell of a worldwide flood, and helps to build a museum that will spread the message of God's creation. CD or cassette. ISBN 1929241852.

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Creation vs. Evolutionary Theory and The Purpose of God's Creation (2 Weeks, 4 Lessons)

Reading Suggestions:

Read Genesis 1 & 2, Psalm 139:13, Psalm 148:5, Isaiah 40:26, Isaiah 45:12, Eph. 2:10, Col. 1:16, Isaiah 43:7Read, I Want to Know About God, pages 12-21, God and His Creation

Read Kidatlas pages 1-9, Intro and Creation

Complete 30 Days, pages 1-14 (Structure of the Bible), 6th+

Complete 30 Days, pages 15-22 (Geography of the OT), 6th+

Complete 30 Days, pages 23-34 (Historical Books), 6th+

Complete 30 Days, pages 35-40 (Creation Era), 6th+

Creation and Time: A Biblical & Scientific Perspective on the Creation Date Controversy by Dr. Hugh Ross, 188 pgs. Not easy reading but excellent material about the creation-date controversy. (long creation-time) ISBN 0891097767. (7th+)

Evolution vs Science & the Bible by Bob West. 88 pgs. (allows all creation time-theories). ISBN 0964578409. Family reading or 4th+

Evolution by Joanna Cole. 32 pgs. This book will help you laugh at evolutionary thinking especially after you have learned the facts! (atheist/evolutionist). Check your library. ISBN 0690045980. PreK-4.

JURASSIC MARK - MYSTERY LOST by Keith Harris. 203 pgs. (??) ISBN 0963653423. Family reading or 4th+

Someone's Making a Monkey Out of You by Patrick Marks. 103 pgs. Family reading or 6th+. (7-day Creation) ISBN 0890512108.

The Evolution Solution [Music Download] I haven't heard this - just stumbled upon it on CBD. Thought it sounded like a fun resource! Download for 99 cents!

For further study, complete the Archaeology and the Bible unit.

See Dinosaurs and the Bible for a unit study on dinosaurs.

Bake Trilobite Cookies.

Internet Research and/or Activities (Note: Please read through Bible Studies listed below before assigning to your children to make sure they agree with your family's faith.)

God's Creation.

Creation of Adam and Eve.

Seven Days of Creation.

Creation, Bible Animals, Dinosaurs, Noah Activities for Kids and

Creation vs. Evolution for Children and (K-6)

Cave Men?

Creation Science and and (6th+)

Evolution for Children (Teach your children what they have to say. Some of it is actually funny!) and more.

Evolution is Against the Law!

Charles Darwin and God.


Complete "What is History" from History Pockets: Ancient Civilizations. K-3+

Complete activities from Teaching Units, The Old Testament, pages 3-6, Creation (PreK-1st+)

Complete booklet from Old Testament Take-Home Bible Stories, page 5, In the Beginning (PreK-2nd+)

Complete Considering God's Creation, pages 3-5. 2-6

For additional information, see Ancient Mesopotamia Unit.

Add composition and hands-on projects as appropriate.

Video Recommendations:

Evidences for Creation by Dr. Carl Baugh. Available from Kenneth Copeland ministries. ISBN 157562088X. (6th+)

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Sin, the Fall of Man, and the Results of the Fall (1 Lesson)

Reading Suggestions:

Read Genesis 2:15-chpt. 3, Romans 3:23, John 3:16-17

Read I Want to Know about God, pages 22-31, Sin, the Fall, and Salvation

Internet Research and/or Activities: (Note: Please read through Bible Studies listed below before assigning to your children to make sure they agree with your family's faith.)

The Fall of Man,


Complete booklet from Old Testament Take-Home Bible Stories, page 9, The First Sin (PreK-2nd+)

Add composition and hands-on projects as appropriate.

Video Recommendations:

The Story of Creation - Video Journey back to the beginning of the world as God brings forth the Earth, fills its waters and lands with plants and animals and, finally, crowns His creation with the first man and woman. Then, join Adam and Eve as they explore the earth paradise of the Garden of Eden--and discover what happens when they accept a serpent's offer of forbidden fruit! Color. 30 minutes. PreK-5+

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Noah and The Flood (1 Lesson)

Reading Suggestions:

Read Genesis 5:28 - 9:1

Read Kidatlas pages 10-11, Noah and the Ark, Mt. Ararat.

Read Noah's Ark and the Ararat Adventure by John Morris. Join geologist John Morris in a daring climb up this ancient mountain to uncover clues and explore areas of reported ark sightings! Color photos. You'll also discover the Biblical view of the world before the flood, the age of dinosaurs and humans, and much more! 64 pages. Highly recommended for family reading.

Noah's Ark & the Great Flood by Gloria Clanin. 32 pages. PreK-4th.

Internet Research and/or Activities (Note: Please read through Bible Studies listed below before assigning to your children to make sure they agree with your family's faith.)

Noah and the Great Flood. and Flood Story. (PreK-1)

Noah's Ark Coloring Pages.

Rainbow Color Activity (K-3),,

The Flood.

The Flood of Noah and the Epic of Gilgamesh, 6th+


Complete booklet from Old Testament Take-Home Bible Stories, page 13, Noah's Ark (PreK-2nd+)

Complete activities from Teaching Units, The Old Testament, pages 7-8, Noah's Ark (PreK-1st+)

Add composition and hands-on projects as appropriate.

Video Recommendations:

Just for fun: Evan Almighty (all ages)

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Map Study (1/2 week, 1 Lesson)

Internet Research and/or Activities (Note: Please read through Bible Studies listed below before assigning to your children to make sure they agree with your family's faith.)

Fertile Crescent.


Ancient Mesopotamia Vocabulary.

Mount Ararat.


Using Uncle Josh's Outline Map Book, page 16, Bible Lands, , show the location (approximate) of: Mesopotamia, Fertile Crescent, Euphrates River, Tigris River, Mount Ararat. Place map in your notebook.

An excellent resource for teaching geography skills is Beginning Map Skills. Grades 1-4+

Add composition and hands-on projects as appropriate.

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Review and Assessment (1 Lesson)

Genesis, Easy Bible Test for Children.

Be sure to enter these topics on your copy of The Checklist.

Please let me know if any of these links do not work. Email:

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Copyright © 2004 - Oklahoma Homeschool