Where to Purchase Curriculum


Before you purchase curriculum, you need to be prepared. Please read through Choosing Curriculum and Curriculum Recommendations first. Then obtain your curriculum in one or more of the following ways:

The Checklist Assistant by Cindy Downes. Brand new! Created for The Checklist users and anyone who creates unit studies or lesson plans.

Cindy Downes is part of the Amazon.com and ChristianBooks.com Affiliates Programs. These companies pay Cindy a small commission on every item you purchase through this website. You receive the same great price (most discounted!) and service from Amazon and ChristianBooks and also help Cindy continue to maintain this website and develop new products.

Click on any of the blue curriculum hot links found throughout the Oklahoma Homeschool web pages. These are products that Cindy specifically recommends.

Order products written by Cindy Downes

Order from Thematic Bookstores (Amazon.com):

Order a specific title from Christian Book Distributors or Amazon.com. Enter the name of the book desired or a keyword such as “homeschool” or “pilgrim” in one of the search engines below:


In Association with Amazon.com

Order through Amazon's Homeschool Store - Homeschooling Books and Resources for Education.

You can also buy used locally - check your support groups.

Purchase curriculum at local bookstores

Borrow from your local library.

Buy directly from curriculum publisher websites.




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