Foreign Language Curriculum Recommendations


Artes Latinae Level 1 Complete Package by Waldo Sweet. A Latin course complete with tapes and workbooks that my daughter loved in junior high. I highly recommend at least one year of Latin in high school, especially to students going to college or going into a science career. This curriculum works well for the Auditory learner.

Spanish: The Learnables Book & 4 CDs The Learnable Series . An excellent Spanish course for all ages. Students first hear the language and see pictures; then read and write it after they are familiar with it. This works well with the Auditory and the Visual learner. I used it with my children and we enjoyed it because of the simplicity of the curriculum.

Basic Structures: French, Book 1 & CDs An excellent French course from the Learnable Series. Students first hear the language and see pictures; then read and write it after they are familiar with it. Available in Spanish, French, German, Russian, English, and Chinese. This works well with the Auditory and the Visual learner. All ages.

Rosetta Stone Spanish, Level 1 Kit This course comes highly recommended by missionaries. I've never used it but my friend Wendy, one the directors of Living Word Missionary Center, says it's the best.

Rosetta Stone French, Level 1 Kit This course comes highly recommended by missionaries. I've never used it but my friend Wendy, one the directors of Living Word Missionary Center, says it's the best. This series is available in other languages.

The Easy French (Le Français Facile!). I have not used this program yet, but it looks good from the review I've read by Cathy Duffy (

A Note about Power Glide: Althought many homeschoolers use this program, I feel I would be remiss if I did not give this information. The Power Glide program, created by Dr. Lozanov (who, in his past, was a hypnotist) is based on Lazanov's method of suggestopedia, which is defined as using music, relaxation techniques, role playing, and fantasy journeys. ( and

In researching on the internet, I found this article in his defense:

Because I have not used the program and have no first-hand knowledge, I am removing Power Glide from my recommended list until I have better information.

A note about Tell Me More: I found this product lacked visuals and was harder to navigate than Rosetta Stone. If your children need lots of visuals, I recommend Rosetta Stone over this product. Otherwise, it looks like a very good product. I recommend you check it out for yourselves.

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