FTC - Horse Adoption at Pauls Valley, OK


Flyers Riding Stables Visit to Paul's Valley

Photo © 2006 by Bill Downes

The students at Flyers Riding Stables visited the Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Center
in July to see how the wild horses of America are put up for adoption.

Their tour guide was Holle Hooks

Photo © 2006 by Bill and Cindy Downes

Holle works for the Bureau of Land Management and enjoys telling the students
about the horses here at Paul's Valley.

Before adoption . . .

Photo © 2006 by Bill and Cindy Downes

The wild horses are collected and boarded here at Paul's Valley awaiting adoption.

"Cold" Branded . . .

Photo © 2006 by Bill and Cindy Downes

Using liquid nitrogen, each horse is branded with an identifying number
called a freeze mark. Hot branding is no longer used.

Wild burros await adoption . . .

Photo © 2006 by Bill and Cindy Downes

In addition to horses, wild burros are adopted here at Paul's Valley.

Getting ready for the auction . . .

Photo © 2006 by Bill and Cindy Downes

The horses are gathered into pens awaiting for the adoption to begin.

Checking out the horses . . .

Photo © 2006 by Bill and Cindy Downes

Everyone looks over the horses to see if there is one just right for them.

Will you choose me?

Photo © 2006 by Bill and Cindy Downes

Instruction to the bidders . . .

Photo © 2006 by Bill and Cindy Downes

Pat, the auctioneer gives final instructions to those bidding.

Loading the horses . . .

Photo © 2006 by Bill and Cindy Downes

After the bidding is over, the staff loads the horses on the winner's trailer.

Here she comes . . .

Photo © 2006 by Bill and Cindy Downes

The horse races through the tunnel towards the waiting trailer.

Through the gate . . .

Photo © 2006 by Bill and Cindy Downes

and secured in the trailer . . .

Photo © 2006 by Bill and Cindy Downes

Before they go home . . .

Photo © 2006 by Bill and Cindy Downes

The students have one more thing to do . . .

Miss Lisa tells them to "smell the hay."

Photo © 2006 by Bill and Cindy Downes

It smells sweet! Do you know why?

Posing with the staff.

Photo © 2006 by Bill and Cindy Downes

Thanks for a great day at Paul's Valley Horse and Burro Adoption Center!

All images copyright.
For permission to use, contact Cindy Downes at cindy@billdownesphotography.com

For more info about wild horse adoption, see the BLM website: http://www.wildhorseandburro.blm.gov/index.php

For more info about Paul's Valley Adoption Center, see: http://www.nm.blm.gov/okfo/wh_b/pauls_valley.html




Copyright © 2004 - Oklahoma Homeschool