Field Trip Cruiser - Railroad Museum - Enid


Railroad Museum of Oklahoma, 702 N. Washington, Enid, OK.

Photo © 2005 by Cindy Downes

Whether you like to see old train whistles . . .

Photo © 2005 by Cindy Downes

Dishes used in the dining cars of trains . . .

Photo © 2005 by Cindy Downes

Or the big engines, cars, and cabooses . . .

Photo © 2005 by Cindy Downes

There's plenty to see at the Railroad Museum.

There's two HUGE rooms full of model trains . . .

Photo © 2005 by Bill Downes

cities . . .

Photo © 2005 by Bill Downes

and more trains!

Photo © 2005 by Bill Downes


You can walk through a dining car . . .

Photo © 2005 by Cindy Downes

or even sit in the Engineer's seat!

Photo © 2005 by Cindy Downes

Be sure to visit the Railroad Museum of Oklahoma in Enid!

702 North Washtington, Enid, OK.

For more info: or call 580.233.3051.

Train rides available!

Thanks to Mike Marshall for helping us enjoy our visit!

All Photos © copyright 2005 by Bill and Cindy Downes









Copyright © 2004 - Oklahoma Homeschool